Most bun Bo hues would cost 18, which is double the price that Vietnam House Restaurant presents for theirs. The taste can be different due to the locals’ needs but it basically includes all vital components. This has got to be the cheapest Vietnamese restaurant in San Francisco What a bang for your buck Most dishes were 8-9, which is unheard of in SF. chicken, finely sliced egg, ground pork, & shrimp paste vermicelli noodle soup.

However, you can also find Bun Cha in the menu of many restaurants or street vendors in other parts of Vietnam. Top 15 qun bn ch H Ni truyn thng ngon lm m Halo bt m di y s khin bn m m sau ln u thng thc y 1. Obviously, Hanoi is the best place to try Bun Cha. This is also the way the Hanoians eat Bun Cha. Since the vermicelli is quite slippery, this can be a fun yet challenging experience for those who are not familiar with using chopsticks. The simple and ideal way to eat Bun Cha is to dip the vermicelli, vegetables and herbs into the dipping sauce bowl, then mix them together and put everything into your mouth, like you eat a bowl of Pho. They definitely precooked the meats and just pour the sauce over it. Barbeque pork, porkmeat balls and vermicelli noodle, which you wrap in lettuce and dip in fish. I was disappointed that the dish was just lukewarm. The Bun Cha Ha Noi came out super fast - literally within 3-5 mins after I ordered. Dip all ingredients into the bowl of dipping sauce and you will enjoy Bun Cha as Hanoians do 7 reviews of Hanoi Quan 'We tried their Pho Bac & Bun Cha Ha Noi.