As one drop of water hits the pool, a second drop is in the air, and a third is just detaching from the stalactite. A) C > D > A > B B) D > C = E > A C) D > C > B > A D) C > D > B > A E) Other Name _ Student ID: _ Score: _ Last First Physics 114 – Fall 2018 Practice Exam 1B A stalactite on the roof of a cave drips water at a steady rate to a pool 4.0 m below. Rank the four cases, A, B, C, and D, in order of the magnitude of the puck’s acceleration, from largest to smallest.

A hockey puck is acted on by one or more forces, as shown. What is the greatest mass of groceries that can be lifted safely with this bag, given that the bag is raised with an acceleration of 1.25 m/s2? A) 1.68 kg B) 2.19 kg C) 3.49 kg D) 4.12 kg E) 4.66 kg 12.

The handles will tear off if a force greater than 51.5 N is applied to them. Your groceries are in a bag with paper handles. What is the initial speed of the second ball if it also returns to its original level in 2.75 s? A. A second ball is thrown at an angle of 40.0° above the horizontal. A ball is thrown straight upward returns to its original level in 2.75 s. You drive 4.00 miles at 30.0 miles/hr and then another 4.00 miles at 50.0 miles/hr. The plot at right shows the relationship between femur circumference and mass for a number of animals.
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E) You will be able to fill container B and container C will be 25% full 2.

D) You will be able to fill container B and container C will be 50% full. C) You will be able to fill container B and container C will be 75% full. B) You will be able to fill container B and container C will be 90% full. Which of the following will happen during the transfer of the HCL solution? A) You will not be able to transfer all of the solution from container A to containers B and C. Being a Physics 114 student, you determine that the diameter and height of containers B and C is ¾ of the diameter and height of container A. However, your supervisor has failed to measure the size of containers B and C, and you’re unsure if the combined volume is sufficient. As part of an experiment, your research supervisor has asked you to transfer a 2-liter solution of HCl from a full container A to container B and container C. Name _ Student ID: _ Score: _ Last First Physics 114 – Fall 2018 Practice Exam 1B 1. At the end of the exam, please remain seated until all exams have been collected. Out of respect to other students, please remain seated for the last 20 minutes of the exam.Circle your answers, and state units if appropriate. Show your work in enough detail so that the grader can follow your reasoning and your method of solution.Do not use scratch paper it will be ignored. You may use a calculator, but not a computer, or other internet connected devices (smart-phones, iPads, etc.).All equations and constants are provided. If you cannot do one part of a problem, move on to the next part.If you are confused about a question, raise your hand and ask for an explanation.Do this first when you are told to open your exam. When the exam begins, print your name and student ID number on the top of each page.Print and sign your name, and write your student ID number in the spaces above.You will have 60 minutes to complete the examination. Signature: _ Student ID: _ READ THIS ENTIRE PAGE NOW Do not open the exam until told to do so.
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Download 20 Practice Problems on General Physics - Midterm 1 Exam Review | PHYS 114 and more Physics Study notes in PDF only on Docsity!Fall 2018 PHYSICS 114 MIDTERM EXAM 1 PRACTICE EXAM B Seat No_ Last Name (Print): _ First Name (Print): _ Honor Pledge: All work presented here is my own.